Title: Piece by Piece Main pairing: Siwon x Kyuhyun Genre: Romance Rating: G for now Warnings: male x male relationship Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior/DBSK/JYJ Summary: Siwon was a single father and for him, his son was all that mattered.
Title: Piece by Piece Main pairing: Siwon x Kyuhyun Genre: Romance Rating: G for now Warnings: male x male relationship Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior/DBSK/JYJ Summary: Siwon was a single father and for him, his son was all that mattered.
Title: Piece by Piece Main pairing: Siwon x Kyuhyun Genre: Romance Rating: G for now Warnings: male x male relationship Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior/DBSK/JYJ Summary: Siwon was a single father and for him, his son was all that mattered.
Title: Piece by Piece Main pairing: Siwon x Kyuhyun Genre: Romance Rating: G for now Warnings: male x male relationship Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior/DBSK/JYJ Summary: Siwon was a single father and for him, his son was all that mattered.
Title: Piece by Piece Main pairing: Siwon x Kyuhyun Genre: Romance Rating: G for now Warnings: male x male relationship Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior/DBSK/JYJ Summary: Siwon was a single father and for him, his son was all that mattered.
Title: Piece by Piece Main pairing: Siwon x Kyuhyun Genre: Romance Rating: G for now Warnings: male x male relationship Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior/DBSK Summary: Siwon was a single father and for him, his son was all that mattered.